Friday 29 August 2014

New author links added


life at the moment is still kicking my ass, but its ok, we just gotta lift our head high and put one foot in front of the other right?

well i guess in some sense that makes sense. its gonna take slightly more convincing on my part though.

theres some stuff in my life that i need to sort out, i need to get out and feel the world by myself for a start but my home town is so fucked at this point in time that it is making this difficult, so im stuck. 


there is a few new things going on with the website, i am slowly adding author pages for a few authors that i follow and who in their rights are awesome at what they do and by some miracle im hoping that if you may follow this then you may just go on and check them out, so new author pages for james grey, alexandra I and steffie dawn, so if you get a chance go on, give them a look, follow some of the links, and if you want a great read then click and buy their stuff, i dont believe you will be disappointed at all.


The website overall is having some minor appearance changes, im hoping this will make it look better and maybe even slightly easier to navigate, but time will tell. but i can only see so much so if you get on here, then please let me know what you think, good or bad. let me know what you think i could change to make things easier, a new perspective may be just whats needed. 


Saturday 2 August 2014


To say I haven't been on hee much recently is definately the understatement of the century. I haven't done so much with the site recently as I've been thinking about a new design.

I've been trying to use my spare time productively. Although not so well accomplished either. I have in fact done a fair bit of reading which I have immensely enjoyed.

At the present time i have not had the desire for my designs, or writing. Although slightly more productive in that sense, I have put together a couple items although I wouldn't regard them as greats.

I'm having trouble at the moment in seeing anything I write or design as even ok. It all seems like crap to me. There's a lot of self doubt in myself at the moment and I gotta figure how to start.

I have my 3rd book in early finishing stages, as yet is still un named.

Things will only get better right I just need an out